Monday, 27 January 2014

The New Year has begun- the blog splits

Well as in all good partnerships time for compromise is over.  Is this statement contradictory?

Ah well - a new year brings a new blog to sit alongside the old: The Other Pavlov blog. Well this blog began with observations I, Megan, have made about many people we have met during our time in the Med. It never got posted, so no relationships have been harmed.....yet.

I sit here in Ballina, Australia, just having posted my last blog about my daughter's wedding. Thoughts of what we miss when we are away try to prise their way into my consciousness. For me the purpose of the blog is for the reader to learn about our adventures on Pavlov, but it also serves a cathartic purpose. Thus my own blog begins. I'm sure all of us who have embarked on what some call a dream have had moments of doubt and exhilaration. I will endeavour to explore both of these feelings and more.

Hopefully I might provide another voice to describe, comment and reflect on our journey, post retirement, in Pavlov.